قسمت دوم: پاسخ تشریحی به سوالِ، آیا مجاهدین تغییر کرده اند؟ رویکردشان به جنبش مهسا

مسعودرجوی و تغییرات شگرفش، رویکردش به جنبش مهسا و دیگر گروهها

آیا اعضاء مجاهدین سرمایه اند یا قربانیان مغزشویی نیازمند درمان

توضیحات تشریحی در مورد سوال ناقص مانده، آیا اعضای مجاهدین سرمایه اند یا...

پرگار بی بی سی با سازمان مجاهدین چه بایدکرد؟ با شرکت داود باقروند ارشد

برنامه پرگار با شرکت داود باقروند ارشد

گندزدایی جامعه سیاسی خارج کشور

گندزدایی جامعه سیاسی خارج کشور

Who are Mek cult? An inside report for the first time by defected High-ranking Mek and NCRI member.

An inside report for the first time by an ex-high-ranking member of Mek and NCRI based on the Mek’s own publications and ... Who assassinated the Americans in Tehran? Mek and Spying for Russia Did CIA destroy Mek-Russia spy net? How Mek retaliated? Seizure of US Embassy in Tehran? Mek’s Islamist Revolutionary Courts Mek and the Children in the Combat Mek and Saddam Hossein of Iraq and Saudi Arabia Mek as Assassinators Who is the head wife in Mek Leader’s Harem? Have they changed? How Maryam Rajavi deceives the western world? How Mek terrorism differs to ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorism? Why Mek is more dangerous? Use of 10-year-old children in combat by Mek. Who are the wives of the harem of the Caliph of the Mek? Mek’s planed courts and justice for their Islamic State describe by its Calipha. How the world can protect itself against terrorism?

مصطفی رجوی پدرش مسعودرجوی را به دادگاه کشانده است

در مطلب سپتامبر 2020 نیز تحت مطلب ” سخنی با مصطفی رجوی” نوشتم که دشمن مصطفی رجوی پدرش است و نه کس دیگر در آنچه مصطفی رجوی بعنوان ورود یا ادامه به مبارزه برای آزادی و… نامید، باید بداند که در این مسیر، دشمن اصلی اش، نه رژیم که مسعود رجوی خواهد بود.

آخرین پست ها

واکـاوی مـزدوری! سلطانی، خـدابنده، عـزتی، حسینی، یغـمایی، کـریمدادی، مصــداقی و پورحسین، منتقدین فرقه مافیایی رجوی. نقد آتشبیاران معرکه مشترک رجوی و سایت رهیافتگان

داود باقروند ارشد عضو علیرتبه سابق مجاهدین و شورای ملی مقاومت

محمدرضا روحانی مسئول مستعفی کمیسیون امور ملیتهای شورای ملی مقاومت: مسعود رجوی، ودرخواست اعدام امیر انتظام،حکم اعدام علی زرکش و مهدی افتخاری، دشنام به شاملو ،مرضیه ‌وتهدید جدا شدگان پناهنده در خارج کشور

محمدرضا روحانی مسئول مستعفی کمیسیون امور ملیتهای شورای ملی مقاومت: مسعود رجوی، ودرخواست اعدام امیر انتظام،حکم اعدام علی زرکش و مهدی افتخاری، دشنام به شاملو ،مرضیه ‌وتهدید جدا شدگان پناهنده در خارج کشور

تقدیم به امیروفا یغمایی که مسعودرجوی مادرش را جلو چشمانش ذبح کرد

مبارزه با رژیم یا فروپاشی درونی فرقه ای داعشی که میلیتاریسیم جهانی برای ایران تدارک دیده است

چرا رجوی نیاز دارد درخواست دیدار با اعضای در اسارتش را به نبرد دین بین فو تعبیر کند؟

افشای حقایق پشت پرده ضدیت با خانواده با اسناد سازمانی توسط داود باقروندارشد از مسئولین خانوادهها در مجاهدین

گسترش وطن فروشی در خارج کشور به سرکردگی رهبر همه وطن فروشان و دشمنان ایران

حمایت از تحریم و حمله نظامی به ایران خیانت به مردم و فاصله گرفتن آشکار از ایران و ایرانی

تحلیل طوفانِ سراسریِ جورج فلوید در آمریکا -داود باقروند ارشد

پایه اجتماعی فرقه رجوی (آمریکای نئوکانها) درحال فروپاشی است و رجوی برای صدمین بار بیگانه پرستیش به گل نشسته است

پربیننده ترین ها

ملاقات با نخست وزیر هلند آقای مارک روته در جریان کنگره سالانه حزب اتحاد احزاب لیبرال اتحادیه اروپا (آلده پارتی) در آمستردام. طی ملاقات ضمن معرفی خودو فرقه رجوی و نقض شدید حقوق بشر توسط این فرقه در آلبانی تشریح شد.

ملاقات با آقای گای فرهوفشتادت عضو پارلمان اروپا و رهبر فراکسیون لیبرالهای اتحادیه اروپا از سیاستمداران عالی و افشای همه ترفندهای فریب فرقه رجوی در زمینه ماهیت این فرقه و فشارها و توطئه هایی که علیه جدا شدگان اعمال میکند.

بنابه دعوت یو ان واچ جنبش نه به تروریسم و فرقه ها در نشست سالیانه حقوق بشر و دمکراسی شرکت کرد. خانم دکتر هشترودی بنا به دعوت جنبش نه به تروریسم وفرقه ها در این نشست شرکت کردند که حضور ایشان باعث خوشحالی جنبش نه به تروریسم و فرقه ها گردید. ایشان ضمن حضورفعالشان در نشست با اعضای عالیرتبه شرکت کننده در جلسه به بحث و گفتگو پرداختند. ازجمله با وزیر سابق دادگستری و عضو پارلمان کانادا آقای ایروین کولتر و از بنیانگذاران یوان هیومن راتس واچ مفصلا به بحث پرداختند. این کنفرانس سالیانه جهت شنیدن گزارشات قربانیان حقوق بشربرگزار میشود. در همین رابطه آقای داود ارشد رئیس جنبش نه به تروریسم و فرقه ها سخنانی بشرح زیر ایراد کردند:

درملاقات با دکترورنر هویر به اطلاع ایشان رسید که: فرقه رجوی در حال تدارک دیدن یک زندان ابدی موسوم به اشرف 3 در ‏محلی دورافتاده میباشد. این محل یک پایگاه نظامی متروکه آمریکایی می باشد با یک فرودگاه و یک سکوی هلی برد کوچک و ‏بخشی از سیستم های داخلی آن مستقیما از آمریکا آورده شده و نصب گردیده اند. از ایشان استمداد کمک شد. ‏

ملاقات با همسر نرگس محمدی در مقر ملل متحد ژنو-------آقای داود ارشد و خانم دکتر هشترودی با همسر نرگس محمدی در این ملاقات آقای تقی رحمانی همسر نرگس محمدی که خودشان نیز چندین نوبت زندان بوده اند از نقض حقوق بشر در ایران گزارشی به کنفرانس ارائه کردند و از تناقضات موجود در سیستم قضایی ایران در جریان محاکمه نسرین محمدی بطور مفصل و جامع سخن گفتند.خانم دکتر هشترودی و آقای مهندس ارشد با ایشان ابراز همدردی کردند و جزئیات بیشتری از موارد نقض حقوق بشر در فرقه تروریستی رجوی که در آن فعال بوده است را برای آقای تقی رحمانی تشریح نمودند.

دادخواهی علیه برده داری پناهجویان در تیرانا همچو لیبی توسط فرقه رجوی در دیدار آقای ارشد با نخست وزیران هلند و اسلووانیا

ملاقات با رهبر حزب دمکراتهای آزاد آلمان (اف پ د) آقای کریستین لیندنر در جریان کنگره سه روزه احزاب لیبرال اروپا در آمرستردام هلند. افشای جنایات فرقه رجوی علیه اعضا و جدا شدگان

آقای ارشد در مورد ادعای فرقه رجوی و حامیانش گفتند چند شاخص آشکار وجود دارد. چرا متحدین آنها بویژه آقای دکتر بنی صدر با پیش بینی سرنوشت آنها در عراق از آنها جدا شدند؟ چرا هیچ ایرانی چه مردمی چه سیاسیون در مراسم آنها شرکت نمیکنند؟ چرا این تشکیلات مجبور است جهت گردهمآیی هایش سیاهی لشکر کرایه کند؟ چرا این تشکیلات در ترس از مردم ایران اجازه نمیدهد با اعضایش درارتباط قراربگیرند؟ چرا ارتباط اعضایش را با جهان قطع میکند؟ چرا تمامی تحلیلگران برحقیقت نفرت مردم از این تشکیلات بدلیل همکاری با صدام را تاکید میکنند؟ چرا باید رجوی در داخل تشکیلاتش زندان و شکنجه برای اعضای خودش راه بیندازد؟ چرا مجبور است برای دریافت حمایت سیاسی هرچند بی ارزش منافع مردم ایران را به کسانیکه خود به کشتن آنها افتخار میکرده است بفروشد و حتی برای چند دقیقه سخنرانی آنها دهها هزار دلار بپردازد؟ چرا حتی عربستان حامی سیاسی و مالی آنها ارزیابیشان از آنها این استکه “هیچ جایگاهی در میان مردم ایران ندارند”؟ چرا در همین پارلمان اعضای سابق منتقدش را بقصد کشت میزند؟ چرا هر منتقدی ایرانی و حتی غیره ایرانی را جاسوس و مزدور رژیم!! میخواند؟ آیا بخاطر همین چرا ها نیست که: وقتی مردم ایران در سراسر کشور جهت خواسته هایشان دست به تظاهرات و اعتراض میزنند هیچ اسمی از آنها نمیآورند؟ آیا این مسئله پیامش غیر از این است که: مردم ایران رژیم حاضر را صد بار به فرقه رجوی ترجیح میدهند. و “تنها آلترناتیو دمکراتیک” جوکی بیش نیست.

خانم دکتر فریبا هشترودی: با یقین میگویم که مجاهدین شکنجه میکنند…. هشترودی1سرکار خانم دکتر فریبا هشترودی یکی از برجسته ترین زنان ایرانی جزء افتخارات ایرانیان در فرانسه، نویسنده و خبرنگار و فعال سیاسی که سابقا عضو شورای ملی مقاومت ایران بوده است که باید ایشان را بیشتر شناخت با علم یقینی در مورد فرقه تروریستی رجوی از درون آن سخن میگوید. وقتی به عمق پوسیدگی تشکل رجوی پی بردم جدا شدم بله

آخرین کلام مهدی تقوایی خطاب به مسعود رجوی

آخرین کلام مهدی تقوایی خطاب به مسعود رجوی

مهدی تقوایی از اعضای زندانی زمان شاه تشکیلات مجاهدین، که رضا رضایی در خانه او با ساواکی ها روبرو و خودکشی کرد. و مسئول چاپخانه مخفی سازمان بود. با همسر و دو فرزندش در مخالفت با انقلاب ایدئولژیک بعد از محاکمه اش در عراق به ارودگاه مرگ رمادی عراق فرستاده شدند تا در آنجا بپوسند.

بیانیه 14 تن

بیانیه 14 تن

نیروی خارج کشور چه میخواهد ‏و بیانیه 14 تن

مقالات پربیننده

فرقه ها در میان ما

دانش علمی شناخت و تمیزدادن فرقه از تشکل سیاسی

بدون شناخت علمی از فرقه های خطرناک تحلیل عملکردهای فرقه رجوی و اثرات بشدت مخرب آن بر اعضا و جداشدگان و خلاص شدن از فشارهای شکنجه گونه روانی مغزشویی های چندین دهساله غیرممکن است

خانم آناگومز نماینده پارلمان اروپا خواستار اخراج فرقه رجوی شد

افشاگریهای خانم سلطانی در رابطه مسعود رجوی با زنان مجاهد

افشاگریهای خانم سلطانی در رابطه مسعود رجوی با زنان مجاهد

قسمت سوم: گفت‌ و شنود با فرشته هدایتی ۳۲ سال در مناسبات و تشکیلات

قسمت سوم: گفت‌ و شنود با فرشته هدایتی ۳۲ سال در مناسبات و تشکیلات

قسمت دوم: گفت‌ و شنود با فرشته هدایتی امروز باید گفت آنچه را که فردا گفتنش دیر است

قسمت دوم: گفت و شنود با فرشته هدایتی: افشاگریهای فرشته هدایتی در مورد فرقه رجوی

قسمت اول: گفت‌ و شنود با فرشته هدایتی ۳۲ سال در مناسبات و تشکیلات

قسمت اول: گفت‌ و شنود با فرشته هدایتی ۳۲ سال در مناسبات و تشکیلات

سیامک نادری مرگهای مشکوک فرقه رجوی را افشا میکند

کشتن و سربه نیست کردنهای فرقه رجوی

سخنان آقای داود ارشد در پنجمین کنگره سکولاردمکراتهای ایران -کلن آلمان

سخنان آقای داود ارشد در پنجمین کنگره سکولاردمکراتهای ایران -کلن آلمان

فعالیت های ما در تصویر

افشاگری به کشتن دادن حسن جزایری از دانشجویان هوادار رجوی


گزارش مفصل نگرانیهای مردم آلبانی و مقامات اتحادیه اروپا از حضور تروریسم فرقه رجوی در آلبانی به سفارت آن کشور در برلین



گزارش مفصل ابراز نگرانی مقامات آلبانیایی و اتحادیه اروپا در مورد خطر تروریست در آلبانی در دیدار با سفارت آلبانی در آلمان

روز گذشته طی دیداری مقامات سفارت آلبانی در آلمان در جریان نگرانیهای مقامات اتحادیه اروپا و شخصیتها، وکلا، خبرنگاران و مردم آلبانی نسبت به حضور فرقه خطرناک رجوی با سابقه جدی تروریستی در کشور آلبانی قرار گرفتند.

در این گزارش شرح تفصیلی با تکیه به انعکاسات و ویدئو کلیپهای موجود، اسناد ارائه شده و سخنرانیهای انجام شده در طی دو جلسه مهم در پارلمان اتحادیه اروپا در بروکسل-بلژیک و استراسبورگ-فرانسه ارائه گردید.

Experts and political representatives from Albania were in the European Parliament on Tuesday 10thApril, asking Europe for help in preventing the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) from toxifying their country’s internal and foreign relations. MEPs Ana Gomes and Patricia Lalonde hosted a round-table meeting titled ‘Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) threat in Albania’ to discuss the problem.


Ana Gomes and Patricia Lalonde MEPs

Participants included a UNHCR representative, Albanian opposition politicians, representatives from the Albanian embassy, the Albanian Delegation in parliament, from EU security, and reporters from various media.

Ms Gomes told delegates that she organised the debate because EU relations with Iran are very important, especially with the JCPOA agreement, and for human rights. This is a very different approach from the MEK which advocates regime change from outside the country.

Gomes explained that she first got to know the MEK from its recent time in Iraq where the group had interfered detrimentally in Iraq’s internal affairs. Based on her experience as a former diplomat in the UN Security Council and the UN Commission on Human Rights she was asked to write a report on Iraq in 2007-8. She found the MEK held hostage Iraq’s political relations. Even a visiting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for George W Bush agreed that MEK was a dangerous organisation.

Gomes mentioned that as head of UNAMI, Martin Kobler tried to work out a solution in Iraq, but was “miserably” attacked by MEK. He found he could not get access to the members to find out what they wanted as individuals. MEK would not allow the normal interviews that the UNHCR conduct.

MEK has new sources of funding after Saddam Hussein and is active in the EUP. Several colleagues tried to prevent today’s meeting. The MEK seem to have free rein in parliament to lobby every day. I am trying to find out by asking the EUP president, which MEPs are providing them access.

Before introducing the speakers, MS Gomes told delegates that when she hosted Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi, she asked her if the MEK are a genuine opposition group. Ebadi was very clear that this group has no credibility among Iranians.



Nicola Pedde, Rome based Institute for Global Studies, provided background context to Albania’s dilemma by describing how he had successfully intervened in Italy to put a stop to the MEK’s deceptive campaigns to corrupt politicians and toxify Italy’s political debate on Iran with their fake information and unwanted regime change agenda.

When the MEK and Maryam Rajavi had free access to the Italian parliament, invited by various government agencies, they gathered signatures from around 70% of MPs. But after interviewing these members it was found that most MPs did not remember signing or what they signed for. Only five members deliberately supported the MEK. There was misuse of members’ ignorance on Iran issues. Such letters were used to increase the MEK’s infiltration inside institutions where they could toxify the bilateral relations and debate between the Italian Republic and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Now Italy has strong relations with Iran, not only economic but political level too.

This toxification was to make businesses and politicians believe that any dealings with Iran will be risky or even bring up conflict. This affected parliament and the media. Since the MEK arrived in Albania it is clear they are trying to exactly replicate the methods there. They are approaching MPs, media and opinion makers, everyone who has a role in influencing the political and social debate in Albania. It is a very small country with economic and security problems. Risking involvement in something against the national interest. Two years ago, few Albanians even knew the name of the group. Now there is the capacity of influencing parliament with information which is produced in a way to derail the interests of the country toward the Iranian government.

We have a camp and a huge amount of people who can be active in the country. They can affect the capacity of the government to stand by its own decisions.

In our experience. One of the questions about this group is ‘What is its final aim’? There is no future for them in Iran, they have no capacity to reach the Iranian population. No capacity to play a role bigger than the one they play today. It is merely about maintaining the status quo. In order to keep power, money and relevance but without escalating it to the point of it actually changing the debate on Iran. That would be too risky for them and expose the fact there is no place for them in the future of Iran. Their influence is unprecedented in Europe, with their cultish approach. Their ability to toxify the debate is increasing in the current atmosphere. The Albanian experience is another aspect of the ability of Europe in dealing with the group.


Olsi Jazexhi, Director of the Free Media Institute in Tirana

MEK arrived in Albania under a secret agreement with US and Albanian government. They began to recruit politicians, musicians, students, members of civil society, activists, even Leftists and Communists and paid them come to their events. The MEK rented accommodation from one of the mafia gangs.

When some MEK began to desert the group because they do not believe in the MEK’s jihad any more, I and my wife, who is a lawyer, tried to help them. Albanian people are afraid of jihadi violence and they don’t want them in their country. The irony is that the Albanian government prosecutes those who want to join the jihad in Syria but does nothing to curtail the MEK, which is something the media have queried. Another issue is that refugees from other countries have shown that they want to integrate into Albanian society. The MEK do not want to integrate. They have come as a terrorist organisation and will commit acts of terrorism in the future. They live in a paramilitary camp and their leader Maryam Rajavi every day breaks the law of Albania by calling for jihad against a foreign country. This has resulted in Sunni leaders asking, if MEK can pursue jihad, why can’t we?

Another problem is the blackmailing of Albanian media. When Anne Khodabandeh had media interviews about who the MEK are, the MEK approached the media and told them, we are the MEK and you must not broadcast these interviews. This is outrageous because we have full freedom of speech in Albania. When Top Channel broadcast interviews with former MEK who said they wanted help from the UNHCR and Albanian government to deradicalize, the MEK accused Albania’s biggest TV station of being bought by Iran. But the MEK never accept to debate with anyone.

The MEK create fake news and information and distribute it to Albanian media. They created a campaign to say that because we are talking in the EUP today this has created the risk of a terrorist attack against the MEK in Albania.

The MEK are also attacking intellectuals. Albania is a country of religious tolerance. The MEK sent anti-terrorist police to break up a New Year celebration and arrest two veteran Iranian journalists and accuse them of terrorism. This shameful incident ended only after intervention by the president.

EU parliament, which has a lot of influence in Albania, should ask the Albanian government to demand the MEK abandon their violent jihad, to integrate into our society and to accept the values of democracy. The MEK must end the intimidation, calls for terrorism, lies and misinformation and fake news in Albania. They must dismantle their paramilitary organisation. And if Maryam Rajavi and those like Struan Stevenson disagree with us, they should deal with us in a democratic way. They must come and debate with us. I ask you as Europeans to put the utmost pressure on the Albanian government to save us from this very strange terrorist organisation.


Migena Balla, Lawyer B&B Stutio Legale in Tirana

Describes how she has tried to help those MEK who have left the organisation to establish a new life for themselves. We contacted the UNHCR and other agencies who could help but it was very difficult. We asked Geneva for help for these people who have no legal status or economic support in Albania. We finally got an interview with the director of the UNHCR in Albania. He first said we cannot do anything, only offer them food and shelter for six months. He could not say what should happen to them after six months. He confirmed that the Albanian government does not give legal status to these people. The UNHCR is still reluctant to deal with these people.

Instead, the former members’ families are helping them. Those who have families with money are supported, but those without this support are even sleeping in the streets. The MEK are paying some of them but they have no bank accounts, so they get this in cash. It is not clear how this money is arriving in Albania for the MEK.

The MEK have full control over their own members. If they try to contact their families, they will be ejected from the group. Anyone who speaks about them is accused of being agents of the Iranians. Why is nobody objecting? You are not Albanian, but you come to my country and accuse me of being an agent of Iran. I don’t care about Iran, but I do care what happens in my country of Albania. This MEK activity of threatening jihad against Iran, including Americans like Rudi Giuliani who come and clearly threaten Iran. The MEK is performing illegal activity in Albania which wants to be an EU member.

How can the MEK bring democracy to Iran when they do not have any democracy inside themselves? The MEK are not free to move around, get a job or have a family. My government cannot provide them with a civil life because they have no legal status or work permit. They were brought to Albania only with a piece of paper. They are being forced to stay with the group against their will. Their movements and activities are strictly controlled by the MEK. This is like a prison happening right in front of our eyes. Every day they are training, they go running. How can I believe this is not a military group in training?

One of the relatives who came to Albania to make contact with one of his family in MEK was arrested by the police. This is helping the MEK because it makes people afraid.

Ex Mek members also disclosed horrific facts about Mek.

A police report which quoted this figure also tried to account for the membership. But the numbers do not add up. These discrepancies demonstrate that we don’t know how many there are. By this account there are certainly fewer than 2500 loyal MEK members. Most of these have now been taken to the closed camp Ashraf Three to which we have no access. These numbers matter because we don’t actually know who they are. So, Senator Robert Torricelli, a MEK supporter, claims there are 4,000 MEK in Camp Ashraf Three. Where did they come from?

The police evaluated the MEK as deeply indoctrinated and having taken part in war and trained for terrorism. They know the group is dangerous but cannot keep track of them. Due to the work of investigative journalist Gjergji Thanasi we know the MEK’s activities in Albania are illegal. They do not have permits or pay taxes. He also discovered that America plans to bring more jihadis to Albania, this time the widows and orphans of killed Daesh members.

جداشدگان با آنا گومز2

Journalists who filmed the new camp were not allowed near. Even Albanian authorities, including the police and security services are not allowed inside the camp without MEK permission and escorts. The UNHCR cannot go in and check on the state of the people there. Thanasi also discovered through planning permission permits issued by the Land Registry that Camp Ashraf Three is to have three-and-a-half-meter perimeter walls with guard turrets, a small-arms shooting range and reinforced concrete armoury, as well as a helipad. Things consistent with a military training camp.

It is also not possible for MEK members to leave the camp without permission or escort. They are essentially trapped in there. The people in the camp are living in conditions of modern slavery, like MEK everywhere. This means that the people who come to the European Parliament are actual slaves. We are familiar with the idea of sex slaves or cannabis farm slaves, but these are a genre of political slaves. They don’t get paid, they don’t have rights, like holidays, pensions, healthcare. No family relations are allowed. In fact, you can say that every single right in the UN Declaration of Human Rights is denied to them.

We know that most MEK members would like to leave and would do so if they had somewhere to go. The Albanian government doesn’t support them. UNHCR support is very limited. The UN International Organization for Migration says it is not responsible for them, even though they are foreign nationals brought from a second country to a third country.

The MEK leaders keep them in the camp through imprisonment, coercion and psychological manipulation. Why keep these people if they are so much trouble? The reason must be that two thousand people provide cover for around fifty highly radicalized members who are trained and willing to die and kill to order. The trouble is that, as has been shown, we don’t know exactly who they are because none of the residents have any recorded identity or legal status in the country.

The MEK’s raison d’être is terrorism, violent regime change. That’s what they are there for.

Maryam Rajavi can do as she likes, have people killed, and send them here there and everywhere. But in the bigger world, in Albania and in Europe, who is responsible for them? Whatever they do, who must answer for them?


MEP Patricia Lalonde made the closing remarks.

The MEK presence in the EU parliament is very disturbing because of its history of interference in the internal affairs of Iraq. This is also happening in Europe. In France the failure to curtail the MEK in politics has resulted in problems in French and Iranian relations. The MEK must not be allowed to interfere in politics or economic relations.

She told delegates that in 1998 as an MP in the French parliament she had found some sympathy for the MEK cause as a feminist. When she attended an MEK rally she was told how to walk and where to stand and it felt like being in a cult, like in ‘1984’. She cut all contact with the MEK. However, when she was elected as an MEP a year ago, Lalonde was shocked that the first thing to greet her, stuffed under her door, was paper to sign for the MEK. ‘I said, “Oh my God! Are they still alive”.’ It is not acceptable that they are interfering in parliament.


در گزارش دیگر از پارلمان اتحادیه اروپا مرکز استراسبورگ فرانسه مطالب مطرح شده در این استماع به اطلاع سفارت رسید. 

خانم پاتریشیا لالونده و آقای ارشدIn another hearing in Strasbourg center of EU Parliament MEPs were briefed with documents based on the publications of the Mek (Terrorist) group with regards to their 50 years history of terrorism spanning from 1970s up the present.

The document backed briefing included assassination of Iranian officials and US citizens in Iran at the Shah’s time, to mass killings in the public places by use of school children as suicide bombers. Assassination of ordinary people by hit and run teams as ISIS used in Paris. Spying for the Russians. Occupying  US Consulate in Tabriz and Isfahan and full support and participation of seizure of US Embassy in Tehran. Demanding the trial of US diplomats taken hostage by Masoud Rajavi the Leader of Mek.

Mek’s cooperation with Saddam Hossein of Iraq to attack Iranian solders at the border with Iraq, suppressing and killing Iraqi Kurdish up rise against Saddam Hossein, force separation of Mek families and even separating their children in order to destroy all the affection centers of the families, arrests and imprisonment of Mek dissident members and those opposed the mek’s actions and policies.

Furthering the barbaric act of family destruction, Maryam Rajavi under the order of Masoud Rajavi persuaded the divorced Women to marry Masoud Rajavi under the goose of reaching the total truth and freedom of women. Women were ordered to operate their sexual organ in order not to think of have a child as a center of affection which would as Rajavi puts it diverting their love from Rajavi to their child.

Organizing to topple the Iraqi Government by hiring 2000 pro Saddam families’ youngsters and giving them military, political and Ideological training in order to be used as Mek’s agents in overthrowing the Maliki Government. Having failed due to disclosure of their atrocities Mek supported ISIS’s take over Iraq and celebrated City of Mosul being conquered by ISIS as Mek called it “the advance of the revolutionary tribes to overthrow Maliki Government” since they knew that some of the Saddam’s high ranking officials are in command of the ISIS and ISIS being in control of Iraq, Mek could once again enjoy their support. ….

خانم پاتریشیا لالونده و آقای ارشد DSC00002

مقامات سفارت که از ابعاد نگرانی مقامات اتحادیه  اروپا و همچنین شهروندان و شخصیتهای آلبانیایی و اسناد ارائه شده شوکه شده بودند پیشنهاد کردند که این اسناد باید به اطلاع همه برسد. و از آقای ارشد بخاطر کارشان تشکر کردند.



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