Iran is not one the best governments on Earth, neither is a good one, it can only be categorized within the worth.
We know for decades that the human rights violation is quite frequent and many moderate opposition politicians are jailed, members of the terrorist opposition such as MEK who cooperated with Saddam Hussein of Iraq (Led by Masoud and Maryam Rajavi based in Paris Auvers Sur Oise) are either jailed, executed, or forced to flee the country, women are oppressed to a great extend and many more bad records.
But who is to change Iran’s present situation or government? Iranian people or the West, Israel, MEK who was supported by Saddam Hussein of Iraq, is supported by Saudis (according to Wikileaks) and also supported by Israel (according to the reports by New York Times, New Yorker and NBC in 2012 )… or the West?
The Global experience to free a country on behalf of their people as far as Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria are concerned prove disastrous. Not only to the the people of the said country but even to the world. From Afghanistan the fruit of liberation was Al-Qaeda, the fruit of liberating Iraq is the ISIS … in the past terrorism was confined to the region, now as a result of the liberations, terrorism is at every bodies door step all around the world.
More interesting issue is to know that the Saudis are behind all these terror groups such as ISIS, Bin Laden, and now the MEK the terrorist Iranian group which plan and count on the Saudis to invest on them as the Iranian ISIS for the future of Iran after its liberation.
Those who seek to resolve regional disputes militarily, such as Saudi, Israelis, or even the neocons in the US and consequently their poppets such as MEK seek to expand ISISism more and more around the Globe.