حماس و اسرائیل و آنچه باید بدانید. برنده و بازنده حمله هفتم اکتبر حماس کیست؟

پرگار بی بی سی با سازمان مجاهدین چه بایدکرد؟ با شرکت داود باقروند ارشد

برنامه پرگار با شرکت داود باقروند ارشد

قسمت دوم: پاسخ تشریحی به سوالِ، آیا مجاهدین تغییر کرده اند؟ رویکردشان به جنبش مهسا

مسعودرجوی و تغییرات شگرفش، رویکردش به جنبش مهسا و دیگر گروهها

آیا اعضاء مجاهدین سرمایه اند یا قربانیان مغزشویی نیازمند درمان

توضیحات تشریحی در مورد سوال ناقص مانده، آیا اعضای مجاهدین سرمایه اند یا...

گندزدایی جامعه سیاسی خارج کشور

گندزدایی جامعه سیاسی خارج کشور

Who are Mek cult? An inside report for the first time by defected High-ranking Mek and NCRI member.

An inside report for the first time by an ex-high-ranking member of Mek and NCRI based on the Mek’s own publications and ... Who assassinated the Americans in Tehran? Mek and Spying for Russia Did CIA destroy Mek-Russia spy net? How Mek retaliated? Seizure of US Embassy in Tehran? Mek’s Islamist Revolutionary Courts Mek and the Children in the Combat Mek and Saddam Hossein of Iraq and Saudi Arabia Mek as Assassinators Who is the head wife in Mek Leader’s Harem? Have they changed? How Maryam Rajavi deceives the western world? How Mek terrorism differs to ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorism? Why Mek is more dangerous? Use of 10-year-old children in combat by Mek. Who are the wives of the harem of the Caliph of the Mek? Mek’s planed courts and justice for their Islamic State describe by its Calipha. How the world can protect itself against terrorism?

مصطفی رجوی پدرش مسعودرجوی را به دادگاه کشانده است

در مطلب سپتامبر 2020 نیز تحت مطلب ” سخنی با مصطفی رجوی” نوشتم که دشمن مصطفی رجوی پدرش است و نه کس دیگر در آنچه مصطفی رجوی بعنوان ورود یا ادامه به مبارزه برای آزادی و… نامید، باید بداند که در این مسیر، دشمن اصلی اش، نه رژیم که مسعود رجوی خواهد بود.

آخرین پست ها

واکـاوی مـزدوری! سلطانی، خـدابنده، عـزتی، حسینی، یغـمایی، کـریمدادی، مصــداقی و پورحسین، منتقدین فرقه مافیایی رجوی. نقد آتشبیاران معرکه مشترک رجوی و سایت رهیافتگان

داود باقروند ارشد عضو علیرتبه سابق مجاهدین و شورای ملی مقاومت

محمدرضا روحانی مسئول مستعفی کمیسیون امور ملیتهای شورای ملی مقاومت: مسعود رجوی، ودرخواست اعدام امیر انتظام،حکم اعدام علی زرکش و مهدی افتخاری، دشنام به شاملو ،مرضیه ‌وتهدید جدا شدگان پناهنده در خارج کشور

محمدرضا روحانی مسئول مستعفی کمیسیون امور ملیتهای شورای ملی مقاومت: مسعود رجوی، ودرخواست اعدام امیر انتظام،حکم اعدام علی زرکش و مهدی افتخاری، دشنام به شاملو ،مرضیه ‌وتهدید جدا شدگان پناهنده در خارج کشور

تقدیم به امیروفا یغمایی که مسعودرجوی مادرش را جلو چشمانش ذبح کرد

مبارزه با رژیم یا فروپاشی درونی فرقه ای داعشی که میلیتاریسیم جهانی برای ایران تدارک دیده است

چرا رجوی نیاز دارد درخواست دیدار با اعضای در اسارتش را به نبرد دین بین فو تعبیر کند؟

افشای حقایق پشت پرده ضدیت با خانواده با اسناد سازمانی توسط داود باقروندارشد از مسئولین خانوادهها در مجاهدین

گسترش وطن فروشی در خارج کشور به سرکردگی رهبر همه وطن فروشان و دشمنان ایران

حمایت از تحریم و حمله نظامی به ایران خیانت به مردم و فاصله گرفتن آشکار از ایران و ایرانی

تحلیل طوفانِ سراسریِ جورج فلوید در آمریکا -داود باقروند ارشد

پایه اجتماعی فرقه رجوی (آمریکای نئوکانها) درحال فروپاشی است و رجوی برای صدمین بار بیگانه پرستیش به گل نشسته است

پربیننده ترین ها

ملاقات با نخست وزیر هلند آقای مارک روته در جریان کنگره سالانه حزب اتحاد احزاب لیبرال اتحادیه اروپا (آلده پارتی) در آمستردام. طی ملاقات ضمن معرفی خودو فرقه رجوی و نقض شدید حقوق بشر توسط این فرقه در آلبانی تشریح شد.

ملاقات با آقای گای فرهوفشتادت عضو پارلمان اروپا و رهبر فراکسیون لیبرالهای اتحادیه اروپا از سیاستمداران عالی و افشای همه ترفندهای فریب فرقه رجوی در زمینه ماهیت این فرقه و فشارها و توطئه هایی که علیه جدا شدگان اعمال میکند.

بنابه دعوت یو ان واچ جنبش نه به تروریسم و فرقه ها در نشست سالیانه حقوق بشر و دمکراسی شرکت کرد. خانم دکتر هشترودی بنا به دعوت جنبش نه به تروریسم وفرقه ها در این نشست شرکت کردند که حضور ایشان باعث خوشحالی جنبش نه به تروریسم و فرقه ها گردید. ایشان ضمن حضورفعالشان در نشست با اعضای عالیرتبه شرکت کننده در جلسه به بحث و گفتگو پرداختند. ازجمله با وزیر سابق دادگستری و عضو پارلمان کانادا آقای ایروین کولتر و از بنیانگذاران یوان هیومن راتس واچ مفصلا به بحث پرداختند. این کنفرانس سالیانه جهت شنیدن گزارشات قربانیان حقوق بشربرگزار میشود. در همین رابطه آقای داود ارشد رئیس جنبش نه به تروریسم و فرقه ها سخنانی بشرح زیر ایراد کردند:

درملاقات با دکترورنر هویر به اطلاع ایشان رسید که: فرقه رجوی در حال تدارک دیدن یک زندان ابدی موسوم به اشرف 3 در ‏محلی دورافتاده میباشد. این محل یک پایگاه نظامی متروکه آمریکایی می باشد با یک فرودگاه و یک سکوی هلی برد کوچک و ‏بخشی از سیستم های داخلی آن مستقیما از آمریکا آورده شده و نصب گردیده اند. از ایشان استمداد کمک شد. ‏

ملاقات با همسر نرگس محمدی در مقر ملل متحد ژنو-------آقای داود ارشد و خانم دکتر هشترودی با همسر نرگس محمدی در این ملاقات آقای تقی رحمانی همسر نرگس محمدی که خودشان نیز چندین نوبت زندان بوده اند از نقض حقوق بشر در ایران گزارشی به کنفرانس ارائه کردند و از تناقضات موجود در سیستم قضایی ایران در جریان محاکمه نسرین محمدی بطور مفصل و جامع سخن گفتند.خانم دکتر هشترودی و آقای مهندس ارشد با ایشان ابراز همدردی کردند و جزئیات بیشتری از موارد نقض حقوق بشر در فرقه تروریستی رجوی که در آن فعال بوده است را برای آقای تقی رحمانی تشریح نمودند.

دادخواهی علیه برده داری پناهجویان در تیرانا همچو لیبی توسط فرقه رجوی در دیدار آقای ارشد با نخست وزیران هلند و اسلووانیا

ملاقات با رهبر حزب دمکراتهای آزاد آلمان (اف پ د) آقای کریستین لیندنر در جریان کنگره سه روزه احزاب لیبرال اروپا در آمرستردام هلند. افشای جنایات فرقه رجوی علیه اعضا و جدا شدگان

آقای ارشد در مورد ادعای فرقه رجوی و حامیانش گفتند چند شاخص آشکار وجود دارد. چرا متحدین آنها بویژه آقای دکتر بنی صدر با پیش بینی سرنوشت آنها در عراق از آنها جدا شدند؟ چرا هیچ ایرانی چه مردمی چه سیاسیون در مراسم آنها شرکت نمیکنند؟ چرا این تشکیلات مجبور است جهت گردهمآیی هایش سیاهی لشکر کرایه کند؟ چرا این تشکیلات در ترس از مردم ایران اجازه نمیدهد با اعضایش درارتباط قراربگیرند؟ چرا ارتباط اعضایش را با جهان قطع میکند؟ چرا تمامی تحلیلگران برحقیقت نفرت مردم از این تشکیلات بدلیل همکاری با صدام را تاکید میکنند؟ چرا باید رجوی در داخل تشکیلاتش زندان و شکنجه برای اعضای خودش راه بیندازد؟ چرا مجبور است برای دریافت حمایت سیاسی هرچند بی ارزش منافع مردم ایران را به کسانیکه خود به کشتن آنها افتخار میکرده است بفروشد و حتی برای چند دقیقه سخنرانی آنها دهها هزار دلار بپردازد؟ چرا حتی عربستان حامی سیاسی و مالی آنها ارزیابیشان از آنها این استکه “هیچ جایگاهی در میان مردم ایران ندارند”؟ چرا در همین پارلمان اعضای سابق منتقدش را بقصد کشت میزند؟ چرا هر منتقدی ایرانی و حتی غیره ایرانی را جاسوس و مزدور رژیم!! میخواند؟ آیا بخاطر همین چرا ها نیست که: وقتی مردم ایران در سراسر کشور جهت خواسته هایشان دست به تظاهرات و اعتراض میزنند هیچ اسمی از آنها نمیآورند؟ آیا این مسئله پیامش غیر از این است که: مردم ایران رژیم حاضر را صد بار به فرقه رجوی ترجیح میدهند. و “تنها آلترناتیو دمکراتیک” جوکی بیش نیست.

خانم دکتر فریبا هشترودی: با یقین میگویم که مجاهدین شکنجه میکنند…. هشترودی1سرکار خانم دکتر فریبا هشترودی یکی از برجسته ترین زنان ایرانی جزء افتخارات ایرانیان در فرانسه، نویسنده و خبرنگار و فعال سیاسی که سابقا عضو شورای ملی مقاومت ایران بوده است که باید ایشان را بیشتر شناخت با علم یقینی در مورد فرقه تروریستی رجوی از درون آن سخن میگوید. وقتی به عمق پوسیدگی تشکل رجوی پی بردم جدا شدم بله

آخرین کلام مهدی تقوایی خطاب به مسعود رجوی

آخرین کلام مهدی تقوایی خطاب به مسعود رجوی

مهدی تقوایی از اعضای زندانی زمان شاه تشکیلات مجاهدین، که رضا رضایی در خانه او با ساواکی ها روبرو و خودکشی کرد. و مسئول چاپخانه مخفی سازمان بود. با همسر و دو فرزندش در مخالفت با انقلاب ایدئولژیک بعد از محاکمه اش در عراق به ارودگاه مرگ رمادی عراق فرستاده شدند تا در آنجا بپوسند.

بیانیه 14 تن

بیانیه 14 تن

نیروی خارج کشور چه میخواهد ‏و بیانیه 14 تن

مقالات پربیننده

فرقه ها در میان ما

دانش علمی شناخت و تمیزدادن فرقه از تشکل سیاسی

بدون شناخت علمی از فرقه های خطرناک تحلیل عملکردهای فرقه رجوی و اثرات بشدت مخرب آن بر اعضا و جداشدگان و خلاص شدن از فشارهای شکنجه گونه روانی مغزشویی های چندین دهساله غیرممکن است

خانم آناگومز نماینده پارلمان اروپا خواستار اخراج فرقه رجوی شد

افشاگریهای خانم سلطانی در رابطه مسعود رجوی با زنان مجاهد

افشاگریهای خانم سلطانی در رابطه مسعود رجوی با زنان مجاهد

قسمت سوم: گفت‌ و شنود با فرشته هدایتی ۳۲ سال در مناسبات و تشکیلات

قسمت سوم: گفت‌ و شنود با فرشته هدایتی ۳۲ سال در مناسبات و تشکیلات

قسمت دوم: گفت‌ و شنود با فرشته هدایتی امروز باید گفت آنچه را که فردا گفتنش دیر است

قسمت دوم: گفت و شنود با فرشته هدایتی: افشاگریهای فرشته هدایتی در مورد فرقه رجوی

قسمت اول: گفت‌ و شنود با فرشته هدایتی ۳۲ سال در مناسبات و تشکیلات

قسمت اول: گفت‌ و شنود با فرشته هدایتی ۳۲ سال در مناسبات و تشکیلات

سیامک نادری مرگهای مشکوک فرقه رجوی را افشا میکند

کشتن و سربه نیست کردنهای فرقه رجوی

سخنان آقای داود ارشد در پنجمین کنگره سکولاردمکراتهای ایران -کلن آلمان

سخنان آقای داود ارشد در پنجمین کنگره سکولاردمکراتهای ایران -کلن آلمان

فعالیت های ما در تصویر

افشاگری به کشتن دادن حسن جزایری از دانشجویان هوادار رجوی


Who are Mek? Terrorists, cultists – or champions of Iranian democracy? The wild wild story of the MEK. An inside report by High ranking member of Mek and NCRI.


Who are Mek?

So much has been said and written about Mek terrorist cults by almost every serious media concerned with terrorism, but not a report from inside Mek by a high ranking member of Mek and NCRI.

the uniqueness of this report based on the fact that all the information given are driven from Mek’s own printed material in its official paper Jihadist(Mujahed) published by Mek which mostly are written by their Calipha “Masoud Rajavi” their terrorist leader.

Mr. Davood B. Arshad Chairman of NTCM delivering his speech in the Conf.

Mr. Davood B. Arshad  delivering his speech in EU parliament

In this presentation I will shed light to Mek terrorists and Masoud Rajavi its Calipha and his head wife in his Harem. 

The details about Davood Baghervand Arshad in connection with Mek can be found (here).

Mr Arshad that lives in Germany can be reached at the email below for any questions to chalenge all the reports and facts stated by him.  info@nototerrorism-cults.com

This content can be also  watched in the youtube above as a video clip.

 A heart breaking jurney of freedom fighter to find himself traped in a terrorist org. 

BIT PICTURE REAL PHOTOAt my early twenties while studying at University in England with not so much political and historical knowledge, and experience but with plenty of enthusiasm and love of freedom and democracy for Iran, under the Late Dictator, The Shah of Iran,  made me the best prey  to be hunted by wolve as in sheep clothes at university in UK by Mek, pretending to be freedom fighters.

An Organization that have been financed armed and supported by Saddam Hossein the late Dictator of Iraq and the Saudi Arabia.

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Have you, your loved ones, your fellow country men, your country been subject of Terrorism? Then with about 4 Decades of experience at my mid-sixties I would recommend you to bare with me to help you recognize Terrorism in the freedom fighters clothes at your vicinity and even supported with the tax you pay.

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Terrorism is one of the most controversial subjects to contemporary human history that threaten to destroy our security, morality and values, claim many lives and injuries, has economic impacts and many hidden destructive effects on our society by the evil actions, designed to induce indiscriminate  terror and psychic fear through the violent victimization and destruction of noncombatant targets, the civilians.

Post-modern Terrorists

The face of terrorism has changed dramatically over the past decades. In the 1970s and early 1980s, terrorist organizations typically had discrete and immediate political objectives—The release of compatriots from prison—the political independence of an ethnic region or state, or the withdrawal from a conflict. To further these goals, terrorists engaged in kidnapping, hijacking, small-scale hostage-taking and other operations involving relatively low levels of violence. As summed-up by a leading expert in terrorism:

“Traditional terrorists wanted a lot of people watching, not a lot of people dead.”

Today’s “post-modern” terrorists like mek, ISIS, Alqaeda have eschewed constrained or modulated violence. they seek nothing but the wholesale collapse of the Western Societies and Nations which they deem evil Western Corrupt Bourgeoisie (Imperialism). Terrorists often embrace religious or quasi-religious ideologies based on ethnic or religious fanaticism, as a tool best described and maintained in Cultic form by  brainwashed members.

Suiside self Immolation of an Mek member

Suiside self Immolation of an Mek cult member in Paris

Members  are brainwashed to believe their actions are justified to please a higher religious authority such as  Masoud Rajavi, they are given to believe that,  the ability to kill themselves together with large numbers of innocent individuals reinforces the correctness of their actions and spares a place in the Heaven for them.

In contrast with the deeds of the terrorist, The blessings of the Western free and open society also can provide cover for acts of terror and violence for terrorist groups such as MEK who are just pretending to carry Western values.

One of The unique common denominators of all the terrorists is the Leading terrorist figure called Ideological Leader or Calipha, Such as, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi of the ISIS terrorist, or Ben laden of Al Qaeda and Masoud Rajavi of Mek.

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The present  leadership of consists of the Calipha Masoud Rajvai and his head wife in his Harem nicely dressed in red and dark blue called Maryam Rajavi. 

I am sure you will be surprised to know that this man Mr. Mahdi Abrishamchi (first photo from left) was the first husband of Maryam Rajavi which the Calipha Masoud Rajavi forced him to divorce Maryam and gift her to Masoud Rajavi to become the head wife in Masoud Rajavi’s harem.

سخنرانی ابریشمچی ص 25

Mr. Mahdi Abrishamchi in Mojahed Issue #255 p25

مسعود مسئولش خداست

All the Calipha’s of the tyerrorist groups have one thing in common. They all call themselves, The representative of the God on the Earth. A foundemental base for the members for their unqueationable obedience.  While praising the Calipha-Masoud Rajavi Mr. Mahdi Abrishamchi member of the Mek’s Politburo explains his obedience, marked in blue boxes:

Our Calipha Masoud Rajavi is only accountable to the God. Mr. Mahdi Abrishamchi

Suiciadal readiness of the Terrorist members
The other common denominator of the Terrorists is, the more devoted they are, more prepared to commit suicide attack. 
Members must endorse their suicidal readiness either in a video clip or in writing, and wait for their Calipha to pull the trigger when and where he suits fit, to turned them into a lethal  bomb, killing innocent people to accomplish the Calipha’s wish.

There are two different categories of terrorists;

  1. Are those who are very obvious and known to us like such as Abu Bakr al Baghdadi or Bin Laden, therefore the civilized world knows must protect itself against them.
  2. But there are terrorists that not only hide their lethal thinkings but pretend to have thinkings that even make you spend your money and tax to promote them.

Such as Maryam Rajavi, a terrorist Leader or  Ali Reza Jafarzadhe a terrorist member as their representative in USA. 

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Their appearance is decorated purely to deceive the world about their terrorist inhuman nature.

Terrorist do not only commit crime against civilized world but against their own members. Mayram Rajavi being the head wife in the Harem, later forced all mek members to divorce their wives so could enter the harem of the Masoud Rajavi as wives of the harem, including my wife Ms. Tannaz Hojati Emami. 

Maryam Rajavi described the Joining the Haram of Masoud Rajavi as the only path to the Liberation of all Women from all discriminations and exploitation especially by the husbands within traditional family.

She argues, since Masoud Rajavi is free of exploitation, having sex with him in his Harem is a revolutionary way to free women from the exploitation of their husbands within traditional family.  Which Rajavi considers it a ground and a stronghold for the exploitation of the women.

She argues, this is a revolutionary way and killing two birds with one stone!

  1. Freeing women from exploitation by their husbands.
  2. Destroying traditional Family the stronghold of exploitation of women.

One could not expect stronger logic from a PimpShe now lives in Albania and Paris and unfortunately, many politicians help her to move in and around Europe and its power corridors. Her role is to hide her husband and Calipha’s horrifying rules and thinkings and teachings, and the Islamic State he plans for the future of Iran and the world.

To do so Maryam Rajavi deceivingly parrots the Western values, which are formulated in her Ten Point Plan for Future of his khalifa’s Empire and all the Muslims around the world:

  Reading her plan, form her official websit. Jihadists

We …are committed to the abolition of the death penalty. We are committed to the separation of Religion and State. We believe in the rule of law and justice. We want to set up a modern judicial system based on the principles of presumption of innocence, the right to defense, effective judicial protection and the right to be tried in a public court. We are committed to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and international covenant and conventions, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention against Torture, and the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women.from Maryam Rajavi's ten point plan

To give you an idea what she hides behind all this. I will read from Mek’s Official Paper Called Jihadist or Mojahed issue no 3 page 7 wher her Khalifa Masoud Rajavi puts forwards the ideal courts and judicial system. He writes:

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As soon as the accused is identified, it is enough to put him in front of the firing squad. No need for court proceedings. The operation of the revolutionary courts relies on the revolutionary conscience and judgment of the masses before being based on codified legal and criminal laws. For this reason, the judges of these courts are not only legal and criminal experts, but also a combination of people’s representatives, some of whom even lack any judicial expertise. The verdicts issued by these courts also take into account the revolutionary interests of the society. And it may not comply with the usual legal and penal rules. It is possible for a these Court to sentence an accused to death, while under classical law it is not punishable by death.Masoud Rajavi's courts Mojahed issue#3 p7

Rajavi continues: with a horrifying example to justify his barbaric courts:

For example, in the war called Ahzab [1400years ago] when Moslems discovered that the Jewish tribe had betrayed them in Medina city during the siege of the city by the pagans of Mecca, Muslems arrested all of 700 Jewish tribe members executed them overnight. This act may seem cruel and barbaric, many of the people who were executed may not have played a direct role in this betrayal, but when the future of a religion, the fate of a revolution and the interests of a people are at stake, we must act decisively, and close the eyes on these doubts. Masoud Rajavi's courts Mojahed issue#3 p7

The world should ask these terrorists particularly Maryam Rajavi that parotes western values:

Is this how you abolition the death penalty? Is this  the separation of Religion and State? While judgement based on interest of your religion, and how you believe in the rule of law and justice? and the modern judicial system based on the principles of presumption of innocence, the right to defense, effective judicial protection and the right to be tried in a public court?

This is the most dangerous types of terrorism and jihadists that cry Wine and sell vinegar to us, and some buy plenty by the tax you pay.

Alireza-Jafarzadeh-422This is terrorists inside out, and everyone should look out for them. Let’s see if Ali Reza Jafar Zadeh this nice looking guy fits into the category of a time-bomb. I mentioned that terrorist must always be Suicidal ready. This is the hand written request of Mr Ali Reza Jafar Zadeh printed in the official paper of Mek Called Mojahed meaning Jahadist #127 p11.  One should bear in mind that  He is Mek’s US representative.

Mr. Jafarzadeh’s letter was written after he was angry like his Calipha about Maryam Rajavi’s arrest in France reported by NY times by Eliane Sciolino in June 2003:

“French authorities today arrested more than 150 members of a long-established armed Iranian opposition group, accused them of organizing terrorist acts, and seized $1.3 million in $100 bills.”NY times by Eliane Sciolino in June 2003

Following Maryam Rajavi’s arrest by the French police she ordered the members to commit suicide by self-immolation. To prevent the French judiciary from enforcing the law and force them not to dare to touch this terrorist cult. Following Rajavi’s call 12 members committed self-emulation in London, Paris, Toronto, Denmark,…which two young women died as a result. 

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Ali Reza Jajarzadeh also writes to his caliph to be the next suicidial Jihadist. This is the page 11, let’s read and see how he puts “his Suicidal readiness and turning into a time-bomb” into words and takes oath to explode when and where His Calipha Masoud Rajavi pulls the trigger.

Ali Rezajafarzadeh's letter of suisiadal readiness

Ali Rezajafarzadeh’s letter of suisiadal readiness

The title of the page 11 above reads: …..

Another golden leaf!! from the record of the whole epic and the sacrifice of the Mujahidin Jihadist. Examples of requests of members and supporters of Mujahidin for suicide self-immolationThe title of the page 11

Now the Golden leaf!!! of the Jihadist Ali Reza Jafarzadeh, which reads:

“In the name of Allah and in the name of Masoud and Maryam Rajavi, my great religious leaders. Moments ago, I heard the announcement of the readiness of 20 members of the organization in the United States for suicide self-immolation against the actions of the French Government… The greatness of their action became more tangible to me and I felt that I would not rest until I took the pen and I announced my readiness to scarify myself  It is true that these French idiots have not yet understood the determination and lethality of the Mujahedeen-Jihadists element of Mek. Because they did not know our Caliph Masoud Rajavi. They are too short-sighted to know what a hurricane  Masoud Rajavi’s order will cause, and if Masoud Rajavi gives the order, this generation (Mujahidin Jihadist) will burn their world into ashes with all its dimensions, and indeed, if Masoud Rajavi orders it, they will learn it the hard way. Therefore As the least valued member of the Mek Jihadist, I hereby inform the Organization in writing of my readiness for suicide self-immolation with determination at any time and in any place our Khalifa deems fit. May I fulfill my duties to our Calipha Masoud Rajavi in this way. Alireza JafarzadehTranslation of Ali RezaJafar Zadeh's letter to his Calipha

Best  explained the mentality of  such brainwashed Mek’s cult Jihadists by Elizabeth Rubin’s of New York Times on July 13, 2003. She wrote an article titled “The Cult of Rajavi”In this article Rubin details her encounters with Mek members she met in Camp Ashraf in Iraq:  ,

 “men and women had to participate in ‘weekly ideological cleansings,’ in which they would publicly confess their sexual desires. It was not only a form of control but also a means to delete all remnants of individual thought.”Elizabeth Rubin's of New York Times on July 13, 2003

Owen Bennett Jones Of BBC News on 15 April 2012 also Wrote:

Not only was the MEK heavily armed and designated as terrorist by the US government, it also had some very striking internal social policies. For example, it required its members in Iraq to divorce. Why? Because love was distracting them from their struggle against the mullahs in Iran. And the trouble is that people love their children too. So the MEK leadership asked its members to send their children away to foster families in Europe. Some parents have not seen their children for 20 years and more. One US colonel I spoke to, who had daily contact with the MEK leadership for six months in 2004 in Iraq, said that the organization was a cult, and that some of the members who wanted to get out had to run away.Owen Bennett Jones Of BBC News on 15 April 2012

Suiside self Immolation of an Mek member Let me add that, I myself was also forced to divorce my wife.

MEK cult terrorists and the children

hanif BaliAmongst the children who have not seen their parents for more than 3 decades are these two gentlemen one Mr. Hanif Bali  member of Swedish Parliament. Who explained in a video clip(here) in youtube that his father that has not seen him for 30 years was allowed to contact him after more than two decades only to recruit him to the MEK in Iraq, which Mr. Bali refused? 

book hanif 2book hanifThe other child Mr. Hanif Azizi now a member of Swedish police. He even published a book about the Mek Brainwash systems of the parents and cruelty of taking children away from them sending them to orphanages thousands of miles away. Azizi describes in his book, “when he was 18 tried in quest of his family and the answer to the question of what is he doing in Sweden on his own without his parents, he somehow was connected to Mek that persuaded him to go to Iraq to see his parents. In Iraq he found out that they want to keep him there. Azizi with the excuse of coming back to Sweden to take his younger brother with him, he managed to escape and never went back to Iraq to his parents.”

He mentioned the names of 100s of other children in Sweden and elsewhere in his book at the same situation as his and his younger brother.

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The children were taken away from the family for two reasons:

  1. Maryam Rajavi wanted all the love for his husband and Calipa in his Harem, where thery were not allowed to share it with even their children.
  2. Because the child was a pivotal point for the unification of the parents once every year that at the news year eve they all met and exchanged love to each other,  was considered a threat to the love towards the Caliph.

So the child must be sent away to eliminate any links between the women of the harem and their husbands. Many children of mek members who were trapped in the Camp Ashraf in Iraq and could not escape like Azizi., committed suicide in Iraq.  


Amir_Yaghmaee taken to Iraq from Sweden at 14

Amir Vafa Yaghmaee son of a member of central committee,  that was taken to to Camp Ashraf in Iraq when he was 14,  was also trapped described in a video clip that :

“I was told by my commander Called Jamal, there is no exit from mek but you can either commit suicide or escape so we can  shoot and kill you.”Amir Vafayaghmaie quote from his video clip

Amir like myself could only escape Mek prison after US took over control of Mek after the coalition forces occupied Iraq so Amir and I together with hundreds more Mek members  could escape and took refuge with American Army.

All these facts which are a drop of an ocean of their terrorist cultic cruelty  even against their own members and children, shows that terrorists like Mek lack any human values and principles.

But as said, the difference between these two types of Terrorists.

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The obvious dangers, that you know how deadly they are and what they represent.These obvious terrorists have direct and immediate reaction against contemporary human’s achievement like democracy, freedom of speech, rule of Law and so on. Unfortunatly like the one happened in France in case of Charly eb Du office or in the case that unfortunate innocent French teacher.

But the sophisticated terrorist hiden behinde borrowed words from the civilized world, paroted by thier leaders to decieve the world. 

MEK Terrorist Cult Leaders Masoud and Maryam Rajvi

MEK Terrorist Cult Leaders Masoud and Maryam Rajvi

But the sophisticated terrorists of Mek in order to reach their terrorist Jihadist ends that Rajavi scales it with compariing  “the 3000 massacred in September 11” as a petty goal, seek the total destruction of the whole western Corrupt civilization.

So Mek Terrorism thinking Strategic they hide their evil goals to neutralize all proactive counter-actions by the free world by borrowing some of the humanitarian values such as democracy and set them very nicely  in their  windows of deception as  a  cover for their real face until they reach power not only without any opposition from the free world but even with the help of them!

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When  the terrorists have all the means and the power so it would be too late to stop or would claim a very high price in unbelievable scales before one could stop them. Think  of the Sept 11 price  the world paid and still is paying to realize what al Qaeda terrorism was where Rajavi puts its crimes  as a petty blow to Corrupt West.

We should not be deceived by these terrorists within us.  Therefore to be pro-active we should not turn a blind eye to the terrorists putting on nice clothes and Parroting contemporary civilized world’s value and principals among them rule of Law and human right. Could we have been proactive rather than reactive and save all the lives lost in and since Sept 11?


During these presentation the MEK terrorism and terrorist is being presented inside out which is lying in wait to destroy the contemporary human civilization.

I have been an insider (High ranking member of Mek and NCRI) for decades in Mek. All the facts and references are from Mek’s official publications written by Masoud Rajavi the Caliph of Mek.  

From what has been said so far, it is obvious that, the face of terrorism has changed dramatically over the past decades. To give you an example of how Terrorist Leaders utilize the western Blessings, the El Pais newspaper of Spain disclosed that MEK has been paying nearly one Million Euros to an Ultra far-right party of VOX of Spain to be founded and operated in Europe which advocates an end to the existence of the European Union as their party goals.

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where in return Vox and its founder Mr. Aldo Vidal Quadras would support MEK in Europe by paving the ground and facilitating the presence and activity of MEK’s members  and its leader Maryam Rajavi in European power corridors  such as  in E Parliament. One could see the vox parties Founder Mr. Aldo vidas quadras nd Maryam Rajavi also most every where. 

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Interesting to know that Vox party is anti Moslem and Mek is planning an ISLAMIC State for IRAN. The Guardian of London in 21Sep 2012 disclosed Mek’s atrocities in the West and wrote:

“…A designated Iranian terrorist org. Have won a long struggle to see it unbanned in the US after pouring millions of dollars into an unprecedented campaign of political donations, hiring Washington lobby groups and payments to former top administration officials.Mek bribe official to be de-listed from terrorists list of USA and European Union.”The Guardian of London in 21Sep 2012

To grasp an idea about the extent of the world’s concern about MEK being de-listed by bribing official just type in any search engine:“MEK to be delisted”

AP in Feb 5 2017 wrote. (By Jon Gamberll):

“Trump Cabinet pick paid by controversial Iranian Exile group.” It add, “Trump’s transportation secretary received  $50,000 for 5 min speech to Mek, previously called a “Cult-like” terrorist group by state department.”AP in Feb 5 2017 wrote. (By Jon Gamberll)

There is no serious media report about Mek, not to warn about “Mek’s violence and act of terrorism especially against Americans interests.”

Mek’s policy towards the West 

Mek was established in 1960s as a Marxist-Islamic group combining the barbarism of Jihadists and Stalinism together using assassination and suicide bombings as their only campaign.  The Politico website wrote by Daniel Benjamin in Dec 13 2016:

“For decades, and based on U.S. intelligence, the Unites States Government has blamed Mek for killing three US contractors, bombing the facilities of numerous US companies and killing innocent Iranians.The Politico by Daniel Benjamin in Dec 13 2016

From the first days of the downfall of the Shah in Iranian revolution, Mek pressed for the downfall of Imperialists led by USA. Rajavi Wrote in his paper Jihadist issue nr 4 page 2

issue 4 page 2 2

In other words, since at the present stage of history, the main conflict in human society is the conflict between peoples and imperialism, forces, parties and regimes must be in the People’s front at war with global imperialism (led by the United States). , Otherwise they will inevitably fall into the camp of imperialism and against the people !!!Rajavi Wrote in his paper Mojahed issue # 4 page 2

Rajavi was not consent with the downfall of the Shah of Iran as a revolution, called  for downfall of the USA as the second but the main phase of the Iranian revolution by 


 in the “Jihadist-Mojahed” Issue #4, P2 one can read:

 “the only way to the liberation {of Nations} is to struggle against Imperialism”

In this respect, Mek relied then on Soviet Union the second supper power, and his own leading role in assassinations of the US personnel working in Iran.

Assessination of Americans by Mek 

Unlike when Masoud Rajavi the Mek’s Calipha was in Iran, after his self-exile in France he denies assassinating the Americans. Let’s examine Rajavis claims, if he has nothing to do with the assassinating US Citizens and officials according to his own writtings in his paper. Jihadist-Mojahed,  Issue #18 P7 


Jihadist Issue #18 P7    The title of the article reads;

“A word with the Revolutionary Guards brothers, who put bullets in the chests of the American?”

The paragraph  indexed 1 reads:

“At least none of the American criminals have no doubt about our anti-imperialist stands, because they were the first to receive our bullets in their chests after 1972”.

The paragraph indexed 2 one can read:

“That is why they [USA] conspire against us by arresting Mohammad Reza Saadati while tracing CIA networks in Iran.”

I will come back to this CIA and Saadati incident claim of Masoud Rajavi.

Masoud Rajavi openly and proudly mentioning his terrorist atrocities against Americans, he was hoping to be able to manipulate it to radicalize the country’s political atmosphere to exert enough sociopathic pressure on the Iran’s late Religious leader Ayatallah Khomeini to declare wholly  war against USA.

In this regards Rajavi while praising the Ayatollah Khomeini for his overthrowing the Shah begged him to continue the revolution by over throwing the US Imperialism as “The Real Shah” as Rajavi used to put it. Mek’s official paper was filed with titles and articles such as:

  • Let create a new Vietnam for US in Iran.
  • Without destroying US Imperialism, we cannot even solve the problems of our schools.
  • Even a 10-year-old child being recruited in a revolutionary org can make US Imp suffer big blows.
  • Let’s arm the nation against Imperialists.
  • Fighting to the end with US Imp, is the only way to the Liberation.

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Compare all the above nonsence with what Maryam Rajavi is parroting contemporary human’s values to deceive the politicians.

This Next document is screenshot of US Gov. Website; in 2021 https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1969-76v27/d18 

US website 1

Which reads;

“Lieutenant Colonel Lewis L. Hawkins was shot and killed as he walked from his home to work at the Directorate of Financial Management. According to telegram 4249 from Tehran, June 16, a militant named Reza Reza’i was the alleged mastermind of the plot.”

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This is the picture Of  Reza Rezai member of MEK Central committee.RexzaThis is a screenshot of  the official website of Mek 2021. Mek glorifying Reza Rezai as Great Jihadist 

In the next Mek document:  the  Jihadist issue #4, p2:    Masoud Rajavi  praising killing of the Americans even mentioning the names of the victims of their terrorism “General Price and Col. Hawkins”.index 2 issue 4 p 2Paragraph indexed  (II) reads:

”even many revolutionary operations were directed against American criminals. e.g: Revolutionary execution of General Price and Colonel Hawkins was masterminded and executed by Mojahedin Khaq, in the honor of the Iranian revolutionary movement in the recent years

uuuuuUnder the subtitle index (I) reads; “Going to war with Imperialism led by American imperialism is the only way for the Liberation”.

The next documents are Iranian daily news papers  reporting in details of the terror with the picture of Howkins on the front page.Hawkins assessinationAmericans Assessination

The big title reads;Details of the assassination of American advisers in Tehran.

Reza RezaieThe next documents are  another daily news paper reporting when Reza Rezai was killed while being arrested by the security forces.

 The title reads:

Reza Rezai the master mind of the Americans advisers was killed. Reza rezai also fought alongside of the Palestine.

Let me also as and insider add that when Colonel Howkins and General Price were assassinated by MEK their brief case full of documents was confiscated by the mek operatives and later handed over to the one of the Russian Embassies outside Iran.

Therefore against Maryam and Masoud Rajavi’s claims, in the west,  Masoud Rajavi’s written articles in their Official News Paper and Mek’s present websites not only proves otherwise but they are proud of their  terrorism and assassinations.

Mek and spying for

 Soviet Union

 against their country, Iran


One year prior to the Iranian revolution, an Iranian High ranking Lt. Gen Mr. Ahamd Mogharabi and Mr. Ali Naghi Rabani (a high ranking official of Ministry of Education) were arrested, tried and executed by the Shah’s government for spying for Russians for 30 years.جاسوسان شورویahmad mo 1 KGB desperately needed to know how their valuable head of spy network at highest levels of the Shah’s army and his deputy in the ministry of education were uncovered in Iran.

KGB ordered Masoud Rajavi to find out.

Mohammad Reza Saadati Mek Central Committe member

Mohammad Reza Saadati Mek Central Committe member Russian Connection

 Mek’s KGB connection was Mr. Mohammad Reza Saadati member of the Mek’s leadership nicknamed SAIKO by KGB(an engineer who had a history of working in Iran’s Steel Factory which was established and run by Russia since 1967 at the Shah’s time. 

Masoud Rajavi having received the order from KGB, used the complete chaos of transition period of the Revolution and  infiltrated in the army’s prosecutors office and confiscated the documents related to Russian head spy Lt Gen. Ahmad Mogharabi’  in Iran .

In this picture Lt. Gen AhmadMogharabi left who spied for Russia for 30 years with his spying equipment  In front of him in one of the court hearings and on his left is Mr. Ali Naghi Rabani (a high ranking official of Ministry of Education)

ahmad mogharbi

Gen. Mogharabi and Rabani at a court hearing

 After a few initial secret meetings of with the Russians in Tehran, Mohammad Reza Saadati nick named Saiko was arrested in Aug 24, 1979, while handing over the documents to the First Secretary of the Russian consulate Mr. Vladimir Fensinkow. 

Mr. Saadati was initially sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment, but Fensinkow was released due to his political immunity. Saadati was later executed after Mek started terror campaign bombing pro government Party HQ killing 120 members of the parliament. Assesinating the prime minister and the president of the country.

The iranian new regime lost their complete trust in Mek and restricted their activities. 

Mek blamed CIA for Saadatie’s arrest.

A detailed account of Mek-Saadati-Russian spy relation and above incident can be found in the  Chapter   “Saadati” of a book titledbook

“Inside the KGB:

My Life in Soviet Espionage”

 by Vladimir Kuzichkin, First Chief Directorate of KGB for Operations in Teheran.    ISBN-13: 9780804109895

The most interesting was while MEK, In its daily propaganda attacked the new liberal government official and even some of the religious leaders as pro-western by branding them as non-patriots even suggesting being Western Spies in their newspapers. Mek itself was busy spying for Russians. The arrest and conviction of Saiko disclosed Mek’s betrayal of the country and their illegal, slaver fashion relation with the Russians.

It also blow up Masoud Rajavi’s  false face and stance of patriotism as an example of his usual crying wine but  selling vinegar in the eyes of the people and the new government. 


As it was said the KGB and the Mek blamed CIA or “the US diplomats in US Embassy in Tehran that run the CIA in Iran” for this crack down on their spy network.

Would KGB and Russia sit idle only digesting such a big blow and do nothing concerning the fact that, “from the KGB’s point of view”, the below was from a defeated retreating enemy (The CIA) and USA  diplomats as a result of the revolution in Iran.

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As far as KGB was concerned CIA not only keept the secrets of how previous KGB Spy network was uncovered but also destroying another  strong  spy net work relation of KGB with Masoud Rajavi the Leader of MEK an Important political group which Russia considered it  as a sign of the rise of the era of KGB and Russian  influence and the down of  US influence in Iran, due to the revolution, was far more than a blow to KGB but a disasterous blow to Rassia. 

The importance of this question arises from the fact that the whole Revolution in Iran was against the Shah, as Iranians rightly considered  him as  the poppet of USA, consequently hundreds of leftist pro Russian groups appeared over night that together with the ordinary people on the streets, chanted death to America was supposed to put an end to any influence of CIA in Iran. 

Russians-Mek’s reaction to the blow

Immediately after, Mek  intensified  its  political  propaganda  against  America  as  US  Imperialism, Advocating that:

“After the  Shah  it  is imperialism led by US imperialism as the real Shah that must be toppled by armed struggle”

Mek’s official papers were filled with articles with content of advocating armed struggle  against USA. Four months was needed for this propaganda campaign to give its fruits. Where  MEK was ready to launch its counter attack on behalf of KGB  and launched  the occupation of US embassy in Tehran.

Since this was the second, attempt to occupy the US Embassy by Mek since the first attempt was three day after the revolution. Then Khomeini the leader of the revolution ordered them to leave the Embassy immediately.

Masoud Rajavi this time did it under the name of some students who later called themselves: 

“Students of the line of  Ayatollah Khomeini”

this named was chosen in order to naturalize Khomeini’s opposition to the seizure and  win  his support for continuation of the occupation, which worked.

Students of the line of  Khomeini A name that was very intelligently chosen to force the suprem leader of the revolution the Ayatollah Khomeini to endorse the occupation of a foreign Embassy, especially while being under the propaganda bombardment of Mek for  being soft against USA and not starting the wholly war against America as the Real Shah.

According to the Mek’s official paper issue nr. 18 page 7 Masoud Rajavi wrote :

Issue 18 P 7 from the first

“From the first moments of the seizure of American spy nest we stationed our military Units in the US Embassy Compound to Guard the brave students who sieged the US Spy nest.”

This sociopolitical pressure exerted by the MEK and other Soviet orchestrated leftist groups plus general anti American political atmosphere in Iran forced Khomeini to change his immediate initial rejection of the seizure decision, which ordered the students to leave the US Embassy compound, and unfortunately surrendered to Masoud Rajavi’s propaganda and  endorsed the occupation after two day which lasted 444days.

MEK took the opportunity and immediately occupied American consulates in the cities of Isfahan and Tabriz independently and this time not under cover of students, but openly glorifying  it in their papers which was announced only after they were thrown out by the Government security forces.Mojahed Issue No. 11 P.3

Isfahan and Tabriz

The Title (1) reads;“Report of how two of Mek members were injured while being thrown out of the American Consulate after they had occupied the Consulates in Esfahan and Tabriz Cities.”

The Sub-title (2) reads;

“how the American Consulate was occupied in Isfahan by MEK members”.

MEK Praising the occupation as a heroic seizure of the American Embassy, reminded the responsibility of the Iran’s officials to fight with Imperialism to the end.

Iranian Government aware of the infiltration of the Mek members and other leftist groups within the so called students occupying the US embassy started a big purge within the MEk members in the Embassy. All Mek known under cover members of Mek were purged from the Embassy.

In this picture First from left, is Mr. Jafar Zakeri with US Hostage,

hostage-American-captors-embassy-Iranian-Tehran-November-9-1979 (1)

And in this picture below  first from left is Ebrahim Zakeri brother of Jafar Zakeri and one of the leaders of Mek with Masoud and Maryam Rajavi in Iraq.

zakeriJafar Zänkeri was later  purged from the Embassy. He was sent to the war front and was killed!

So this was how the Soviet Union and Mek reacted to the blow when soviet-Mek spy network was destroyed by the Iranian Government, which Mek and KGB blamed CIA for that. Mojahed Issue # 36:

“Let’s prepare another Vietnam for America”


برای آمریکا ویتنام دیگری بسازیم - CopyFollowing the purge of Mek members from the Embassy compound, Masoud Rajavi Calls for Putting US Diplomats hostages to be put on trial as criminal spies and criticized the government for not doing so. He also called for “preparing another Vietnam for America”

Masoud Rajavi, Mek Leader in his communique published  

Mojahed Issue #102  p2, demanding:putinng diplomats on trial

“the US Diplomats must be at least put on trial… and not doing so by the Iranian officials shows that they are not anti- Imperialists”. With regards to American crimes committed in Iran, their diplomats must be put on trial before the world’s public opinion

It is Important to note that :

Military com 23Mek has never, not only officially changed, denounced or rejected their strategy of toppling imperialism led by USA with armed struggle but following this strategy, they  use it as tools for  motivating and radicalizing members inside their organization.

Mek to further show its  radical and anti Imperialistic stance announces through its military communique nr. 23 of putting all its military units under the command of the Revolutionary Guards of the Ayatollah Khomeini,  to prepare to combat against USA.

The Iranian officials called MEK as Monafegh meaning:  one who Cries Wine but Sells Vingar

MEK plan to overthrow the government

Masoud Rajavi Mek’s Caliph has the illution of being in the position of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution and the Spiritual Leader of the Islamic World and his role has been stolen from him by the late Ayatollah Khomeini the Suprem Leader of the Iran Revolution.

رجوی و خمینی11

Masoud Rajavi from the first days of victory of the revolution against the Shah, in Mek’s internal bulletins always emphasized that the Military confrontation with the new regime that accused them of bring back US imperialism to Iran is inevitable.

He added the right time is when MEK has completely prepared itself for such bloody confrontation by gathering arms and organizing the military units.  

Under the goose of preparing to fight against US Imperialism, MEK  organized Military  units that marched independently on the streets of the Capital Tehran while collecting arms and ammunition to prepare for the overthrowing of the new regime. These picture are Mek’s military units  in the streets in Major Cities.


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Masoud Rajavi’s  assessment was that with the new regime’s inability to govern the country and the war with Iraq at the same time while the military forces being occupied in the war front, Mek can topple the regime in the capital Tehran in a matter of days.

The daily clashed between Mek militia and the supporters of the regime, which was organized to counter Mek activities occurred on daily bases.In 2 years of Mek’s preparation for Military confrontation with the new regime to overthrow it,  52 of Mek’s militia were killed and many injured in these street clashes.

military communique 25|Mek issued a military communique #25 giving an ultimatum to the regime on June 18, 1981 and stated in it: 

“they will confront the regime with their full power from now on”.

Two days later on June 20, 1981, Mek organized a rally without the consent of the government in Tehran where they intended to march towards the parliament and government buildings and Khomeni’s residence. To test a popular coup d’etat.

Demonstrators clashed with the police resulting in many deaths and injured on both sides.

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Mek responded by bombing campaign, by mass killings of important figures of the new Regime killing many people by suicide bombings in the mosques and public places and a reign of terror began. Mek used his undercover elements infiltrated  in the Government offices to bomb and eliminate political figures who considered as pro-West including Dr. Mohammad Beheshti who was educated in Germany.

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Dr. Baheshti was assassinated along with 120 party and parliament  members in a single bombing of their Party Congress Meeting by Mek member Mr. Mohammad Reza Kolahi.

هفت تیر 4کلاهی1

Left: Dr. Beheshti, killed together with 120 Party members, Right: Mr. Kolahi who bombed Party HQ Center: Kolahi in Holland (Kolahi was assessinated after 28years in Holland while living under a false name). 

Later Presidential office was bombed killing the Iranian president and the prime minister by another Mek under cover member infiltrated in the office, called Mr. Masoud Kashmiri. He lives in Europe with his wife and children under the protection of Mek.

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Thousands more ordinary people (shopkeepers,…) were assassinated by Mek  suicide bombings and hit squads simply for supporting the government.

Mek first to use Suicide bombings in Public places

Mek was  the  first  in  the Middle East region  to  use  barbaric  techniques  of suicide bombings in public places and mosques by under aged teenagers for mass killings.

Masoud Rajavi had learned this criminal technique of Suicide bombing in Palestine while he was fighting for PLO against Israel where PLO militia used Suicide bombing only against Israeli tanks.


انتحاریBut Rajavi used suicide bombings  in public places such as mosques at Friday Prayers in iran where they were packed with people. This technique is now commonly used by terrorists in Afghanistan and elsewhere.The pictuer bl published by Mek shows 9 Mek Suicide bombers in Jahadist issue No. 261

But against the Mek’s assessment, the mass killings and bombings could not only result in overthrowing the regime but the Regime with the help of  its nation wide social base  destroyed A to Z of Mek members and also arrested all the operatives of the Mek and executed them in retaliation to the Mek’s reign of terror and bombings and killings. Only some high ranking members scraped from the country. But many top leaders were killed.

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Amongs them, Masoud Rajavi’s deputy,   “Mossa Khaibani and his wife”,   Rajavi’s wife “Ashraf  Rajavi“,  but his one year old son Mohammad Rajavi (now strong opposition for his fathers’s use of terrorism and despotism)  survived a military attack to their base  by Security forces.
RajavisMohammad Rajavi has recently called his father Masoud Rajavi to court in Norway for forcing him to go against mek’s dissident members through a Norwegian company that Mohammad Rajavi is working for without knowing it is probably Masoud Rajavi’s under cover company. Otherwise, how could a Norwegian company ask its employer to comply with the rules of Mek?

Rajavi Escapes to France 

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Masoud Rajavi who escaped the country shortly after his start of the armed struggle, was aware of the west’s knowledge of his anti-Western stances and his terrorist nature especially due to assassination of US citizens  a couple of  years back and his direct role in  seizure of US embassy  in Tehran and US consulate in Isfahan and Tabriz,

Therefore used “Dr. Abolhassan Banisadr” the first president of the Iran Republic after the revolution as a front window to cover up his  extremism  and  to deceive the west while  escaped with him to France. This self-exile was aimed at as Rajavi puts it:

“to Neutralize the Imperialist’s measures of arresting Rajavi and also preventing the creation of a pro-Western political alternatives while he was busy overthrows the regime in Tehran”.

Rajavi and Dr. Banisadr formed NCRI, which I was also a member as an alternative to form an Islamic Democratic Republic!

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Although Rajavi’s first  wife was killed in armed raids to Mek bases in Tehran, and his one year old son was saved in the armed clashes. Rajavi  did not wait more than a few months and  married with Dr. Banisadr’s 18 years old daughter Miss Firouzeh Banisadr in Paris to cover up his real intentions of using Dr. Banisadr as liberal Window.

Maryam and her first husband

Maryam Azedanlou (later Rajavi) and her first husband Mehdi Abrishamchi

His marriage caused huge reaction within Iran and mek members. Cultic Nature of the Mek as an inevitable part of the nature of any terrorist group  surfaced after being totally wiped out from inside Iran. The initial signs appeared when, while Masoud Rajavi was married to his second 18years old wife, he  was also attracted to his personal secretary Maryam Azedanlou later becoming Maryam Rajavi then she the wife of a Politburo member of Mek  Mr. Mehdi Abrishamchi. 

Rajavi force divorced Maryam from her husband and married with her As his third marriage Calling it following the  Prophet Mohammad’s tradition and will of God. Further more and Surprisingly Rajavi Called his Cultic marriages an Ideological Revolution within mek.

maryam and masoud 1He Claimed that his forcing the couple to divorce and marrying with the divorced wife,  would boost the strength of the Mek members a million times to mend the blows received in Iran which will  help to overthrow the Mullahs in Iran.

At this stage while hundreds protested against his Cultic and despotic actions, Masoud Rajavi lied to the members and said this was the first and last forced divorce and will not and cannot be repeated  in the future, adding:

if it was not necessary for the boosting of the strength of the Movement he would not have done it. Masoud Rajavi lied to his members

Rajavi’s Ideological marriage campaigns did not help him  to remotely  overthrow Khomeini Regime in  Iran from France since there was no one left  inside Iran to take his orders. Especially when hundreds of militia mostly school and High school students were arrested on the streets of Tehran and killed inside prisons in retaliation to Mek’s terror campaign. Rajavi  was involved in a campaign of  Love affairs in Paris going form one wedding to another  which caused  wide spread  condemnation amongst  Iranians inside and outside Iran and especially inside MEK members and Caders.

Many mek members inside the prisons in Iran condemned and even changed sides and joined the supports of the government. Rivai’s terror and marriage campaigns resulted in total defeat of the Mek. Not only militarily but also politically and organizationally.

at the same time, wide spread opposition against despotism of the cult leader began. Many members outside and inside Iran left Mek.In NRCI the political coalition, almost all the main and independent members left the coalition.

List of some of those who left NCRI

  • Kurdish Democratic Party Iran
  • Dr. Banisadr the first President after the Revolution
  • Democratic front of the revolutionary Toilers of Iran
  • United Left Council
  • Iran’s Work Party (Toofan)
  • Democratic National front of Iran
  • Democratic movement Front of Gilan and Mazandaran Provinces’ Toilers
  • Coalition of Iran’s Communists (Sarbedaran)
  • Hassan Masali
  • Bahman Niroumand
  • Mansour Farthing
  • Parviz Dastmalchi
  • Naser Pakdaman
  • Ahmad Salamatian
  • Ali Asgard Saiyed Javadi
  • Mahdi Khanbaba Tehrani
  • Mohammad Reza Rouhani
  • Karim Gashim
  • Hedayat Allah Martin Daftari
  • Masoud Banisadr
  • Davood Baghervand Arashad
  • Esmaile Vafa Yaghmaee
  • ……

Internal Suppression 

Mek Members and supporters who escape to neighboring countries under the crackdowninside Iran, sought refuge mainly to Iraqi Kurdistan province. 

By the order of the Masoud Rajavi more than 725 Mek dissident members were arrested and tortured by Mek high ranking officials in a military camp called Mansouri In Iraqi Kurdistan province. For opposing Rajavi’s  despotism, terror in Iran and Rajavi’s marriages campaign in Paris. 

Rajavi  Forced them under torture to confess in writing that all were spies working for the Government. Surprisingly those who survived the tortures having confessed in writing to be a spy, returned to their normal duties in Mek. Branding dissident members as spies was used to silence them. Hunderds of the tortured are now have left Mek and live in Europe and can personally testify in any court.

Ali and YaghobiRajavi  also sentenced  his  deputy  Mr. Ali Zarkesh to death in Paris for opposing and denouncing  Rajavi’s destructive terror campaign  as terrorism. Mr. Parivz Yaghobi another member of the leadership was expelled from the organization. Yaghobi had called for a organizational congress in Paris to try Rajavi for the terrorism which resulted in thousands death among Iranian Citizens as well as Mek members.

To counter the opposition in the leadership Rajavi promoted overnight his new wife Maryam Rajavi an ordinary member to the leadership of the Mek to support him in Mek.

MEK under Saddam Hossein of Iraq

All these anti-democratic and repressive measures in Mek and Rajavi’s feminism were closely monitored by Franch government  who had given refugee to Rajavi,    soon came to the conclusion  that Rajavi’s tree not only has no fruit and even no shadow one could lay under it but it is a disgrace to a country to host such a terrorist organization, with a despotic leader advocating the most reactionary readings of Islam. Consequently Asked Rajavi to leave France.

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Saddam Hussein the late Dictator of Iraq that has been helping to organize Rajavi’s fugitive members from neighboring countries of Iran into Iraq since the beginning of the war against Iran, used the opportunity to take Rajavi himself to Iraq to best deploy the MEK members against the Islamic republic.

Iraqi Embassies Provided Passports and Visa for the Mek’s members who escaped to Pakistan, Turkey and Arab Golf countries and even in Europe to take them all to Iraq as part of his Army against Islamic Republic of Iran. I myself was the Mek’s contact person in Pakistan with  Iraqi consulate organizing part of the deployment.

Saddam Hossein called the Mek forces “National Liberation Army NLA” to fight their own people at Iraq’s borders. 

Arron Merat of The Guardian of London in  2018 described the Mek under Saddam Hossein:

the MEK staged attacks against civilian and military targets across the border in Iran and helped Saddam suppress his own domestic enemies. But after siding with Saddam – who indiscriminately bombed Iranian cities and routinely used chemical weapons in a war that cost a million lives – the MEK lost nearly all the support it had retained inside Iran. Members were now widely regarded as traitors. Isolated inside its Iraqi base, under Rajavi’s tightening grip, the MEK became cult-like. A report commissioned by the US government, based on interviews within Camp Ashraf, later concluded that the MEK had “many of the typical characteristics of a cult, such as authoritarian control, confiscation of assets, sexual control (including mandatory divorce and celibacy), emotional isolation, forced labour, sleep deprivation, physical abuse and limited exit options”.

Rajavi and Saddam Hossein agree on Rajavi’s free hand on his Organization in return for Rajavi suppressing Kurdish uprising. Therefore mek member who escaped Camp Ashraf were arrested and tortured and handed back to Rajavi. 

Saddam Hossein also used Mek members to infiltrate into Iran and assassinate Saddam Hossein’s dissents inside Iran in City of Kermanshah and Dezful and elsewhere for him.

عربستان 1عربها

Masoud Rajavi was also taken to Saudi Arabia clandestinely from Iraq to finance and brief him on Saudis goals against his Iran during the Iran Iraq War. Only a few of us in Mek knew about his trip to Saudi Arabia, although it was made public after 16 years by mek itself. Saddam Hossein of Iraq and rulers of Saudi Arabia were not the only countries that made use of Masoud Rajavi against his own country.

According to NBC two US senior officials confirmed that the People’s Mujahedin of Iran Mek was “financed Trained and armed by Israel in killing Iranian nuclear scientists” inside Iran.

گزارش روزنامه هاآرتز از آموزش اعضای مجاهدین برای ترور دانشمندان اتمی ایران

The New Yorker daily in an article “Our Men In Iran” by Seymour M. Hersh gave a full detailed account of where and when Mek members were trained in Nevada to kill their own countrymen.

Mek’s collaboration with Saddam Hossein and Israel  killing the Iranian soldiers  and scientists  created wide spread and outmost hearted amongst the Iranians inside and outside Iran against Masoud Rajavi and Mek.

Rajavi claims to be sent by the God and forced divoces of all members begin

Ceasefire  is  called  by  Iran  in  the  war  with  Iraq which brought about and  end  to  the  Mek’s  use  in  Iraq  for  Saddam Hossein.  Rajavi  that had found  himself trapped at a dead end in  Iraq after the seasfire . To free himself from being questioned Rajavi Claimed to be sent by the God. That meant all the members must blindly obey him and his orders as rule of God.  Many opposed and intended to leave Mek. Rajavi Confronted members with new atrocity, and against his last promise that there will be no more forced devices. 

Rajavi force divorced all the families of the Mek’s members. took their children away from their parents and sends them around the world.

A reign of suppression of the dissident members began with the help of Iraqi security forces and Rajavi openly called for Iron fist suppression in the presence of 4000 members to any opposition to his totalitarian rule.

One thousand of dissident members (men and women) were arrested and tortured some still missing, some claimed to have committed suicide! Again all the tortured were forced to accept in writing to be pies of the Government.

No exit ruleRajavi enforced “no exit rule” that meant those who intended to escape would be shot by the Camps Guards explained by Mr. Mehdi Abrishamchi politburo member to a gathering of Mek members.

Masoud Rajavi Calls September 11 barbarism “fight against Imperialism” 

Masoud Rajavi fully supports September 11, 2001 terrorist act as genuine struggle against US Imperialism. It was September 11 2001, Mek had gathered at the presence of 4000 Mek members that Masoud Rajavi and his wife Maryam Rajavi used as sessions of mass brain wash. Mek members are totally isolated from outside world. No letters, no telephones, no contact, No Radio no TV  no books and newspaper is read. Even member cannot talk to one another which was branded by Rajavi himself as an spy net.

But all of a sudden all the TVs took the crowd through CNN to NewYork city for the first time in say 30 years. Connecting Mek members took outside world. At the same time boxes of cakes entered the gathering and Rajavi which was obviously glorified announced that the US Imperialism has received a great blow. Rajavi let the audience watch the whole news coverage up until the buildings collapsed. Rajavi explained at the end that:

if Mek would have done that far more casualties the Imperialism would suffer.Because our members all have divorced their partners and gifted them to their leader which will be translated to their greater will in our wholly war against imperialism. Where alqaeda members have not done so.

Abbas Davari Politburo member

Abbas Davari Politburo member

I personally went near the stage to  Mr. Abbas Davari a height ranking Politburo member who was sitting in front row and asked him in total shock! Do you call this crime against humanity struggle for freedom?

This obvious support for the Sept 11 Barbarism of Al-Qaeda was the corner stone for hundreds of Mek members to leave Mek including myself.

10 years prison sentence for leaving Mek

In my case when I requested to leave mek I was sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment which I could only free myself from mek Ashraf Camp Prison when US invaded Iraq so I could take refuge with American Army. 

In 2003, Saddam Hossein himself was overthrown putting a beginning to the  end to the Mek’s presence in Iraq. Masoud and Maryam Rajavi escaped from Iraq leaving 4000 members behind. where Masoud Rajavi went to hiding not to face the charges of terrorism against USA, cooperation with Saddam Hussein in suppression of the Kurdish people  and suppression of its own members in Camp Ashraf in Iraq, and Maryam took residence in France.

arrestMaryam Rajavi was arrested in France by French Judiciary for terrorism, human trafficking and money laundry.

Masoud Rajavi  orders members to self-emulate to teach the French a lesson that they can not touch Mek, 12 Mek Jihadists committed suiciadal self-immolation.

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12 commit suicialdal  self-emulation which two young women one a student in Canada and one mother of two kids die as a result in the in London and Paris. 

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Three of those who survived the self emolation.


New Iraqi government asks Mek to leave Iraq

Mr. Rajavi who is determined to prevent  his members from reaching free world calls Camp Ashraf Iran’s second Capital from his hideout in Europe or Saudi Arabia that Ashraf Camp  must be defended at  the price of the death of all its residence. Their resistance results in tens of Mek members being killed and injured in clashed with Iraqi forces. 

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Families of the mek members inside Iran who were shocked by the news of Camp Ashraf rush to Iraq and show up in front of the camp. To save their loved ones in the Camp. Another new dilemma begins, Masoud Rajavi who is concerned that the members may leave the camp with their families, prevents the families of his members to meet and brand the families Agents of the Iran. The families are stoned at the gates of Camp Liberty.

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Masoud Rajavi as the Calipha orders cult members to kill familie

Masoud Rajavi even publishes a book in his own name calling the family of the Mek members, “the agents of the Iranian regime” and asks his members to kill their families that oppose Rajavi in many occasions in his book including Page 20

کتاب خانواده مسعود رجوی

Rajavi quotes Imam ALI the first imam and successor of the Prophet Mohammad according to the Shiaat Moslems reading of Islam for giving mek members guide lines how to react towards their own family that have come to the gates of Camp Ashraf and request to meet their loved ones:  Rajavi’s book page 20 reads:

Page 20 Rajavi Book

The times when we were alongside of the Prophet Mohammad, when we stood up against our fathers, mothers, brothers and uncles and killed them. This, of course, add to our faith, belief, steadfastness and steadfastness.Rajavi Wrote in his book Families om Mek members page 20

MEK and their support for ISIS

Rajavi that found himself un protected after Saddam Hossein was toppled, and pro Iranian government took power in Iraq. He yearned to go back to the old days of Saddam Hossein in Iraq supports ISIS’s military takeover of Iraq  hoping to be able to enjoy the blessings of Saddam Hossein’s officials within the ISIS leaders such as Ezat Ebrahim Saddam Hossein’s deputy. In this screen shot from the Mek’s Official Website,

Mek's official website calling ISIS invasion of Mosul by revolutionary tribes of Iraq

Mek’s official website calling ISIS invasion of Mosul by revolutionary of Iraq

Mek Calling ISIS occupation of Mosel in Iraq the advancement of the Iraqi Revolutionaries to topple The Prime minister Maleki in the hope of going under the support of the Bath Party Leaders in ISIS after ISIS take over Iraq.

Fortunately ISIS was  defeated in Iraq and Rajavi has no choice but to leave Iraq with and US help and Mek Members  are relocated to Albania to a new camp called Camp Ashraf nr.3. In Albania Masoud Rajavi  withholds its members from contacting Western Bourgeoisie. In the latest attempt Mek forced members to sign an obligation paper to stay in an isolated Barracks in Tirana forever.

The following file (a copy of the obligation paper) was smuggled out of Mek by those who escaped in Tirana-Albania, clearly shows the cultic and anti-Western, tactics of Mek to manipulate the minds of its members against outside world. the file reads:


MY strategy is overthrow

 Campaign No. 10

Treaty to Overthrow and Declaration of constant Mek Membership Request to be displaced to Camp Ashraf 3 (in Tirana-Albania)

  1. The Fourth founders of the National Liberation Army and Mek inside and outside Iran are engaged in a campaign to overthrow the Regime and preparation of its means in all directions.
  1. With respect to the past martyrs in Ashraf and Liberty Camps my way is to remain a Jihadist and die as a Jihadist and my tactic is overthrowing.

Those who escape the jihad for Allah and turn their back to him will stir up the wrath of Allah, and for such a deadly sin they deserve to be in  Hell. (Followed by a verse of Koran endorsing it)

Those who break this Holy Oath are the examples of those whom raise the anger of the Allah and deserve to be cursed.  (Followed by a verse of Koran endorsing it)

  1. Once again I am given to understand on behalf of the NLA and Mek that, if I can’t stand to my own Holy Oath and agreement and all previous commitments, and if I do not seek the overthrowing, I should leave and peruse my personal life.

But no, I distance from such a humiliation of submitting to the bourgeoisie by ignoring my Holy Oath that will make Khomeini laugh at me in his grave.

  1. Alas, if I have come to Europe to live in a secure place. Alas, if I leave the revolutionary struggle, and to be drowned in the Ideology of sexuality and selfishness that will convert me to a corpse.

6.The great Jihad meaning continuous revolution against reaction and anti-revolutionary Bourgeoisie by sincerely confessing my sins in the daily collective meetings (brainwash) which is the great necessity for the victorious overthrowing and also promotion of the Mek in this historic moment.


Name:                                                                   Signature:

with the  full support of USA  with  the help of  Albanian Government . Rajavi   Is allowed to  keep the members of his Cult captive in Camp Ashraf 3 in Tirana capital of Albania.

described by the  Guardian of London. In an article  titled :

the GuardianThe article continues as:

Mustafa and Robabe Mohammadi came to Albania to rescue their  daughter  Somayeh.The middle aged couple   Have been followed  by two intelligent agents.  Everywhere they went. The Mohammadis say their daughter Somayeh is being held against her will by a fringe Iranian known  as MEk. Widely reqarded as a Cult. the MEK was once designated as a terrorist organisation by the US and UK, but its opposition to the Iranian government has now earned it the support of powerful hawks in the Trump administration, including national security adviser John Bolton and the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo. Anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist and anti-American, MEK fighters killed scores of the Shah’s police in often suicidal street battles. The group targeted US-owned hotels, airlines and oil companies, and was responsible for the deaths of six Americans in Iran. “Death to America by blood and bonfire on the lips of every Muslim is the cry of the Iranian people,” went one of Mek’s most famous songs. “May America be annihilated.”The Guardian of London 2018

This is a drop of ocean of what MEK is. I can be contacted for details on thousands  of inside information on Mek’s terrorism. With the email belwo. 



APRIL 2021

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