A Call for Humanitarian Mediation
Two Iranian sisters never seen each other in 33 years
Left: Zainab Hossein Nejad 37 resident of Camp Liberty in Iraq, Right: Azar Hossein Nejad, 33 resident in Iran.
Zainab and Azar, two sisters that have not seen each other since they were born could not even contact each other by Internet or by mail and telephone or email.
Zainab resident in Camp Liberty in Baghdad of the Cult organization MKO (PMOI) Led by Maryam Rajavi based in Auvers-sur-Oise, France, and Azar her sister resident of Iran waiting at the camp’s gate to meet each other for the first time in their lives, but the direction of Maryam Rajavi prevents them from meeting.
This is the third time that Azar has gone from Iran to Iraq to the Camp Liberty gate in Baghdad to see her sister, but despite the efforts of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and UNAMI and the Iraqi Ministry of Human Rights, Maryam Rajavi has prevented the meeting.
Mr. Hossein Nejad the father of the sisters an ex-member of the Terrorist Cult (PMOI) has appealed to all the international Humanitarian organizations and also the personalities that are somehow in connection with MKO (PMOI) and Maryam Rajavi enforcing the prevention of the two sisters from meeting, for mediation to convince her to agree to this humanitarian issue.
Azar’s Mother and two Uncles had died in connection with the Terrorist Cult, her sister is inside the Cult camp and forced to write against her sister and her father defying them.
The father of two sisters
Hussein Ali Nejad a refugee in France
Tel: 0033 641361770
Email: ghorbanali1329@gmail.com